
Turn by Turn Navigation to get offline Navteq maps this week [Updated]

GPSTuner, developers of Plough past Turn Navigation (see GPS showdown), a popular GPS navigation app on Windows Phone are set to bring a new update that will feature Navteq maps with offline capabilities. Not only will the app sport offline usage, but it volition be competitively priced to keep GPS apps on the Market place within about budgets.

The developer states via Facebook that the app for Europe and the US should be updated this week in the Marketplace (Hungary is already available). Australia will happen when they go maps for Commonwealth of australia, patently. Nosotros'll keep an eye out, of course. Skilful news though for those who don't desire to drop a ton of cash on Navigon, especially our European friends.

Via: Plaffo, thanks for the tip!

Update:  We've learned that this new version of Plough by Turn Navigation volition exist a total on-board navigation app (maps are downloaded to your Windows Phone) much like NAVIGON.  The difference being that you tin choose which maps you lot download.

Not sure if we'll see Turn by Plow Southeast US or Turn by Plow England (as we are seeing with Plow by Turn Hungary) or if you lot select the maps to download as you need them.  Regardless, it sounds equally if there will be a adept bit of flexibility on the map selection that should upshot in better pricing points and less of a brunt on your Windows Telephone storage.

No word on the pricing but we do know in that location will be a trial version.  Expect the new Plow past Turn versions to hit the Marketplace any day and as Rich mentioned, we'll keep an centre out for the new versions and get reviews up as soon as we tin can.


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